Research Topics in New Media and New Digital Economy
1. AI/ML/DL/Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Robotics, Data Science and Analytics
- Click here for the research topics in AI/ML/DL/Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Robotics, Data Science and Analytics.
2. Next Generation Internet, Data Centers, Computer Networking, Storage Area Network (SAN)
-- NGI - Next Generation Internet
- Future Internet architectures
- Internet architecture and protocol designs
- Internet routing architectures and protocols
- Internet routing security
- Internet content distribution
- Satellite Internet
- Energy Internet
- Industrial Internet
- The tactile Internet
Quantum computing and communications
- Quantum Internet
- Internet fragmentation
-- Data Centers
- The green data center
- Data center power management
- Cloud computing: Impact on data center technology and operations
- Virtualization and cloud computing in the data center
- Software-defined data center
- Software-defined power
- Scalable storage infrastructure for database systems
Social media, cloud computing and big data
E-government interoperability in cloud computing, open government, and smart city initiatives
-- Computer Networking
Hyperconvergence and Hyperconverged platforms
Near-me (NAN) Area Network
Near-field (NFC) Communication
-- SAN, STaas, Cloud Storage
- Storage Area Network (SAN)
- Cloud data storage
- Storage as a service (STaas)
3. Cloud Computing, Fog/Edge Computing: Architecture, Algorithms, and Applications
-- Cloud Computing
- Cloud/Fog radio access networks
- Internet of vehicles
- Vehicular cloud
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M) cloud
- Urban computing
- Distributed computing
- Parallel and distributed systems
- Distributed data intensive systems
- Distributed cloud storage system
- Cloud AI
- Cloud computing infrastructures
- Cloud culture
- Ubi/Cloud computing architecture
- Micro datacenter (cloudlets/edges)
- Mobile cloud computing
- Infrastructure/software/application/business cloud
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in cloud computing
- Virtualization of hardware/software resources
- Design tool for cloud computing
- Maintenance and management of cloud computing
- Cloud-computing and ubiquitous sensing
- Cloud applications in vertical industries
- Cloud computing in the healthcare industry
- Smart and connected healthcare
- Scientific computing in the cloud
- Business computing in the cloud
- Social computing in the cloud
- High availability in cloud computing environments
- High performance computing (HPC) cloud
- Cloud-native architecture, technologies, and applications
-- Fog/Edge Computing
- Fog computing and networking architectures, including fog-based radio access networks
- Fog system and service management
- Fog-cloud interactions and enabling protocols
- Fog-based data services, including distributed data centers, edge data analytics, and edge caching
- Edge AI
- Edge intelligence
- Edge resource pooling
- Security and privacy in fog computing environment
- Cloud & Fog/Edge computing and networking
- Fog-enabled applications
- Trials and experimentation on fog computing and networking
4. The Internet of Things (IoT)
- IoT analytics
- Scheduling and resource allocation for data centers
- Scalable data management for big data and IoT
- IoT security
- IoT device
- IoT device management
- AIoT
- Ambient invisible intelligence
- Low-Power, short-range IoT networks
- Low-Power, wide-area networks
- Satellite NB-IoT
- IoT processors
- IoT operating systems
- Event stream processing
- IoT platforms
- IoT Standards and Ecosystems
- Mobile and Pervasive Computing (IoT and cloud computing for big data analytics)
- Mobile and cloud computing
- The Web of Things (WoT)
- Mobile/IoT and smart city
- Smart sensor
- Data-driven decision analytics
- IoT SIM Cards for Cellular M2M Connectivity
- Private 5G Networks for Industrial IoT
- Communication systems, network architecture and management for IoT
- Software platforms for IoT
- Big data analytics for IoT
- IoT security software
- Network virtualization and micro segmentation technology targeting IoT
- Service provider networks built specifically for IoT
- Embedded IoT systems for devices
- IoT: From sensors to vertical applications
5. Green Computing and Communication Technologies
- Green Computing and Communication Technologies
- Energy- and power-constrained devices and gateways
- Green infrastructure sustainable design and technologies
- Low-power, distributed data processing on sensors
- Ultra-low power systems architectures
- Optimization and/or analysis in green computing and communications (including core network optimization)
- Energy-efficient M2M wired and wireless communications and networking
- Green cloud computing
- Green big data architecture
- Energy efficiency in networking, wireless networks and vehicular networks
- Energy efficient networking, communication and protocols
- Measurement and modeling of energy consumption
- Energy efficiency in data centers and large-scale data processing
- Standardization and benchmark
- Green infrastructure sustainable design and technologies
- Energy- and power-constrained devices and gateways
- Ultra-low power systems architectures
- Low-power, distributed data processing on sensors
- Cross-layer design and optimization for green computing, caching and communications
- Green big data, cloud, and data center architecture
- Green technologies for 5G (SDN, IoT, and crowdsourcing, etc.)
- Energy harvesting communications and networks
6. Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Cyberterrorism, Cyberwarfare, and Electronic Warfare
-- Current Top Cybersecurity Threats
- AI Deepfakes
- Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Mobile is the New Target
- Rise of Automotive Hacking
- Cloud is Also Potentially Vulnerable
- Data Breaches: Prime Target
- IoT With 5G Network: The New Era of Technology and Risks
- Automation and Integration
- Targeted Ransomware
- State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare
- Insider Threats
- Remote Working Cybersecurity
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- International State-Sponsored Attackers
- Identity and Access Management
- Real-Time Data Monitoring
- Automotive Hacking
- AI Potential
- Improved Security for IoT Devices
- Cloud Also Vulnerable
-- Cyber Security, Digital Forensics
- Cyber security strategy
- Quantum cryptography and quantum key distribution (QKD)
- Applied cryptography
- Anomaly detection systems
- Malware analysis and detection
- Digital forensics and crimes
- Biometrics and forensics
- Biometric authentication
- Data leakage, data protection and database forensics
- Forensics of virtual and cloud environments
- Network forensics and traffic analysis hardware vulnerabilities and device forensics
- File system and memory analysis multimedia forensics
- Anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics techniques
- Malware forensics and anti-malware techniques
- Pattern recognition (face/iris recognition)
- Applications of machine learning for security,
- Security (biometrics)
- Visual analytics for cyber security
- Automated vulnerability detection
- Cyberbullying detection
- Security risk assessment and management
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Cloud infrastructure security
- Emerging threats to cloud-based services
- Securing distributed data storage in the cloud
- Cybersecurity in distributed systems
- Internet privacy
- Balancing identity and privacy
- Privacy and ethics
- Privacy and security in cloud computing and big data
- Privacy-preserving techniques for cloud computing (homomorphic encryption)
- Security assurance/interoperability for critical infrastructure
- Network and system security
- Secure information exchange gateway and watchdog switches
- Embedded systems security
- Wide area monitoring, protection & control
- Access control management and authentication services
- Surveillance systems
- Smart grid security
- Cyber warfare trends and approaches
- Cyber defense and network: evolving, adapting, defending
- Cyber war and international law
- Resilient infrastructure
- Wireless security
- Wireless network intrinsic secrecy
- Next-generation security technologies
- Bio-inspired technologies for enhancing cybersecurity
- Biometrics standards and standardization
- Biometrics applications
- Emerging theories and algorithms in biometrics
- Multimedia and document security
- Software evolution
- Software verification and assurance
- Software security
- Computer language-based security and privacy
- Secure routing
- Testbeds for security applications
- Operating systems security
- Intrusion detection/prevention
- Cyberbullying detection
- Multilingual cyberbullying detection system
- Future cyber security
- Web and mobile security
- On-demand economy
- Cyber security and Internet economy
- Cyber security, privacy and blockchains
-- Cyberterrorism, Cyberwarfare, and Electronic Warfare
- Electromagnetic Warfare
- Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures (ATIRCM)
- Antennas / Antenna Arrays
- Anti-Jam Electronic Protection Systems
- Anti-Radiation Missiles (ARM)
- Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS)
- Countermeasures Dispenser Systems (CMDS)
- Digital Electronic Warfare Systems (DEWS)
- Directed Energy Weapons
- Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM)
- Electronic Support and Attack Platforms
- Electronic Warfare Self-Protection (EWSP) Suites
- Electromagnetic Shielding / Hardening
- Emissions Control (EMCON) Systems
- Geospatial Location and Exploitation Systems
- Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Systems
- Infrared (IR) Missile Warning System
- Multi-INT Data Sensors with Machine Learning-based Processing
- Multi-Spectral Situational Awareness Sensors
- Passive Active Warning Survivability Systems
- Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) / Laser Warning Receiver (LWR)
- Radio Frequency Countermeasures (RFCM)
- Resilience-in-Depth Cyber Systems
- Signal Jammers
7. Wireless 5G and Beyond, Networking, Services and Applications
- Click here for the research topics in Wireless 5G and Beyond, Networking, Services, and Applications.
8. Optical and Quantum Communications, and the Quantum Internet
- Click here for the research topics in Optical and Quantum Communications, and the Quantum Internet.
9. HPC and Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Science, Technology, and Applications
- Click here for the research topics in High Performance Computing and Quantum Computing, Quantum Information science, Technology, and Applications.
10. The Singularity, Digital Twin Computing
-- The Technological Singularity
-- Digital Twin Technology
11. Sensor and Sensing Technology
- Smarter sensors
- Power-efficient sensors
- Soft and virtual sensors
- Sensor fusion
- Biosensors
- Electric current, magnetic or radio sensors
- Humidity sensors
- Fluid velocity or flow sensors
- Pressure sensors
- Thermal or temperature sensors
- Optical sensors
- Position sensors
- Environmental sensors
- Chemical sensors
- Proximity sensors
- Accelerometers IR sensor (Infrared sensors)
- Light sensors
- Ultrasonic sensors
- Smoke, Gas and Alcohol sensors
- Touch sensors
- Color sensors
- Position sensors
- Magnetic sensors (Hall Effect sensors)
- Microphone (Sound sensors)
- Tilt sensors
- Flow and Level sensors
- PIR Sensors
- Strain and Weight sensors
12. Transmedia Storytelling and Digital Avatars
-- Tranmedia Storytelling
Transmedia theory and design
Transmedia, art and content
- Transmedia storytelling
- Transmedia storytelling in museums
- Transmedia journalism
Transmedia and future computing/IT convergence/creative industry
AI and Transmedia storytelling
Web technologies for authoring and reading, such as web comics and light novel platforms
- Emerging technologies for transmedia contents and experience of transmedia
- Transmedia ecosystems, analysis of multi-platform transmedia
- Practices of transmedia creation
- New transmedia systems
- Interaction design of transmedia
-- Digital Avatars
- AI and digital avatars
- Digital twins and digital avatars
- AI avatar generators
13. Immersive Technology: VR, AR, and MR
- Wearable computing
- Mobile devices and virtual reality
- Ubiquitous mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR)
- Wearable
and mobile mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR)
- Distributed
and collaborative mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR)
- Industrial/medical
mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) applications
- Mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) for entertainment and training
- Interactive, virtual and augmented environments
- Avatars and virtual community
- Metaverse
- Opportunistic user interfaces
- Brain–computer interface
- Gesture recognition
- Embedded radar-based hand gesture recognition applications
- Omnidirectional treadmill
- Speech recognition
- Tele-immersion
- Fovea-contingent display
- Volumetric display
- Vari-focal plane head-mounted display
- Multi-focal plane head-mounted display
- Head-mounted projection display
- Eye-tracked head-mounted display
- 3D printing technology
- New 3D printing tools and techniques
- Robotics and telepresence
14. Virtual Heritage
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Cultural Heritage
- Artificial intelligence in the context of cultural heritage and museums
- Complex challenges and new opportunities
- Metaverse for Cultural Heritages
- ChatGPT for Cultural Heritages
- Mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) for cultural heritage
Computer animation for cultural heritage applications and virtual heritage
- Virtual realty (VR) applications in conservation research and practice
Intelligent description of cultural heritage content (in multiple languages)
- Novel Internet-based cultural heritage applications
Encyclopedias in cultural heritage
Digital libraries and archives
- National digital libraries and aggregators as cross-domain systems
- E-libraries and e-learning in cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage and edutainment
- Cultural heritage and cuisine
- Knowledge systems for heritage management
Virtual heritage, virtual tourism, and virtual museum applications (e-museums and e-exhibitions)
- Digital image processing and pattern recognition
- 3D data capture and processing in cultural heritage
- Digital reconstructions and 3D modeling
- Digital media and commodification of cultural heritage
- Digital heritage tools and
- The economics of cultural informatics and tourism
15. Photography, Digital and Computational Photography, Media Arts, Culture and Technology
- Digital and Computational Photography
- Ocean photography - ocean climate imagery
- Digital humanities
- Film, television, and digital media
- Computer vision
- Camera culture
- Immersive cinema
- 3D reconstruction and motion estimation
- Computational camera and photography
- Information technologies, social networking, and digital media
- International, inter-cultural, and intra-cultural communication
- Cyberarts and visualization
- Gigapixel display
- 3D displays
- Information visualization and visual analytics
- Ubiquitous/pervasive media and art
- Media arts and creative technologies
- Creative writing
- Interactive and mobile media & art
- Opera of the future
- Museology
- Museum art and exhibitions
- Future of storytelling
- Digital storytelling
- Applications of serious gaming technologies
- Affective computing
- Media forensics
- Applied arts
- Apparel design, architecture, furniture design, industrial design, interior architecture and landscape architecture
- Culture, fashion design and digital media
- Fashion photography
- Craft and decorative art
- Music theory and composition
- Ethnomusicology
- Intermedia music technology
- Networked music
- Computer music and multimedia
- Electronic music composition
- Computer audition
- Sound analysis, processing, synthesis and control
- Melodic pattern recognition
- Auditory display
- Symbolic manipulation of formal music representations
- Music perception and cognition
- Audio-music-speech signal analysis and processing
- Music therapy
- Emerging sound recording technologies
- Internet music delivery
- Music entrepreneurship
16. Social Computing and Community, Entertainment and Education
- Virtual co-presence
- Virtual Reality and climate change communication
- Citizen Heritage
- Crowdsourcing
- Death and technology
- Digital domesticity
- Conceptualising and measuring digital emotion regulation
- Biometric Mirror
- Human-computer interaction
- Interactive multimedia
- Role-playing games
- Mixed/augmented reality (MR/AR) for entertainment
- Human-centered computing and cognitive science
- Education, virtual classroom and virtual collaborative learning
- Social impact, social networking, sound and music
- Social and interactive computing and media
- Social Computing and computational journalism
- Knowledge representation
- Computer-supported collaborative learning
- Digital game-based learning
- Web-based learning environment
- Mobile learning
- Mobile entertainment
- Mobile social networks
[More to come ...]