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EITA Adminstrative Management Councils

[California Institute of Technology - Los Angeles Times]


Leaders Are Never Satisfied; They Continually Strive To Be Better.



The EITA administrative management council (EITA-AMC) consists of the EITA board and leadership team, the EITA R&D advisory board and think tank, the EITA managing committee, the EITA-YIC leadership team, and the EITA-Technology advisory council. 

The EITA-AMC fosters EITA-wide relationships that inspire thoughtful engagement, innovative progress, and professional excellence. In order to operate most effectively, the EITA-AMC will provide recommendations for policy on administrative issues by partnering with other senior advisory groups. 

The primary purpose for the existence of the EITA-AMC is to enhance the quality of administrative management at the EITA, by developing, evaluating, and assessing initiatives that impact administration, and by establishing annual goals and an annual work plan at the outset of each calendar year. 

This page serves as a table of contents for the EITA-AMC. To learn about the EITA-AMC, Please click on the folder/page links in the left column.



[More to come ...]





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