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Quantum Simulation

Harvard (Charles River) IMG 7667
(Harvard University - Harvard Taiwan ROC Student Club)

- Overview

Quantum simulation is a process that uses one quantum system to study another quantum system more efficiently than classical physics. The simulator is easier to control and study, and doesn't need to learn quantum mechanics. The goal is to create a quantum system with the same properties as the system of interest, but that's easier to manipulate and study. 

Quantum simulation is a major focus of quantum computing research. It can be used to solve problems that are intractable for classical physics, such as predicting the behavior of complex quantum systems. 

Applications include: 

  • Understanding large quantum systems
  • Understanding protein folding
  • Developing high-temperature superconductors
  • Finding chemical catalysts to remove CO from the atmosphere
  • Developing materials for practical applications of spintronics
  • Drug discovery, design, and development
  • Electronic materials design and development
  • Better batteries

Some challenges to quantum simulation include high error rates, limited qubit connectivity, and short coherence times. To overcome these limitations, researchers need to improve hardware and develop error correction codes. They also need to use error suppression and advanced calibration to provide accurate digital quantum simulation.


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