Personal tools

Generative AI

Harvard (Charles River) IMG 7718
(Harvard University - Harvard Taiwan Student Association)


- Overview

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and large language models (LLM) are revolutionizing personal and professional lives. From powerful digital assistants that manage email to seemingly omniscient chatbots that can communicate with corporate data across industries, languages, and professions, these technologies are driving a new era of convenience, productivity, and connectivity. 

GenAI refers to algorithms that create synthetic but realistic output. It is a type of AI that can create a variety of data, such as images, video, audio, text, and 3D models. GenAI does this by learning patterns from existing data and then using this knowledge to generate new and unique outputs. 

One of the breakthroughs in GenAI models is the ability to train using different learning methods, including unsupervised or semi-supervised learning. This enables organizations to more easily and quickly leverage large amounts of unlabeled data to create underlying models. As the name suggests, base models can be used as the basis for AI systems that can perform multiple tasks. 

Diffusion models currently offer state of the art performance in GenAI for images. They also form a key component in more general tools, including text-to-image generators and large language models.

GenAI's ability to generate highly realistic and complex content that mimics human creativity makes it an invaluable tool in many industries, including gaming, entertainment, and product design. 

Recent breakthroughs in this field, such as GPT (Generative Pre-Training Transformer) and Midjourney, have significantly improved GenAI's capabilities. These advances open up new possibilities for using GenAI to solve complex problems, create art, and even assist in scientific research.

For example, popular applications such as ChatGPT, derived from GPT-3, allow users to generate articles based on short text requests. 

Stable diffusion, on the other hand, allows users to generate realistic images given text input.

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- Generative AI Tools

Generative AI (GenAI) tools are software or systems that use neural network techniques to process input data and produce responses. These tools are trained using natural language processing, deep learning AI algorithms, and neural networks. They use advanced machine learning techniques, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) or variational autoencoders (VAEs). 

GenAI tools can work with various modalities, such as: Text, Imagery, Music, Code, Voices.
Here are some examples of generative AI tools:

  • Text generation tools: GPT, Jasper, AI-Writer, and Lex
  • Image generation tools: Dall-E 2, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion
  • Code suggestions: CodeWhisperer can generate code suggestions in real-time, including snippets and full functions
  • Claude: Can take direction on tone, behavior, and personality
  • Anthropic: Offers Claude for Business, which is an AI assistant for work-based tasks

 Unlike traditional AI, generative AI can learn from data and generate content autonomously


- Real-world Applications for GenAI

GenAI has many real-world applications, including:
  • Creating images: Generative AI can create realistic images, such as photographs of people or objects that do not actually exist. This can be used for tasks such as creating virtual product mockups or generating training data for image recognition models.
  • Healthcare: Generative AI has many applications in healthcare, including drug discovery, disease diagnosis, and patient care.
  • Audio synthesis: Generative AI can transform any computer-generated voice into one that sounds authentically human.
  • Marketing: Generative AI can be used in marketing to develop chatbots and virtual assistants. With the ability to respond to customer queries in real time, these AI-powered chatbots can help organizations enhance customer engagement and provide better customer support.
  • Music creation: Generative AI models can easily produce new music pieces and generate complete audio by learning the styles and patterns of the music a user inputs.
  • Logistics and transportation: AI can optimize routes and delivery schedules, track shipments in real-time, and predict potential delays or disruptions in the supply chain.

Other applications for generative AI include: surveillance, advertising, education, gaming, media, podcasting.


[Hallstatt, Austria - Civil Engineering Discoveries]

- Steps To Build Your Own GenAI

Building GenAI solutions requires a deep understanding of the technology and the specific problems it aims to solve. It involves designing and training AI models to generate novel outputs based on input data, often optimizing specific metrics. 

To build a successful GenAI solution, several key steps must be performed, including defining the problem, collecting and preprocessing data, selecting appropriate algorithms and models, training and fine-tuning the model, and deploying the solution in a real-world environment. 

Here are some steps you can take to build your own GenAI:

  • Understand the problem: Identify the problem and potential use cases.
  • Gather data: Collect a large, diverse dataset of images relevant to the desired output.
  • Preprocess data: Prioritize cleaning to fix or remove corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data. Also, normalize data to eliminate redundant and unstructured data.
  • Select a model architecture: Choose a foundational model.
  • Train the model: Train the model optionally.
  • Evaluate and fine-tune: Evaluate and refine the model.
  • Test the model: Deploy the model.
  • Monitor and maintain the model: Integrate it into the application.


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