Research Topics in Aerospace, Ocean Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (AOEAS)
Understanding the Past and Present to Guide the Future.
1. Space Technology and The New Space Economy
-- Space Technology
- Space trash cleanup
- Deep space network
-- Deep Space Communications
- Optical communication
- Antenna design
- Developing highly directional antennas to maximize signal strength over long distances.
- Error correction coding
- Deep space network infrastructure
- Latency management
- Space weather effects
- Data compression techniques:
- Autonomous communication protocols
- Signal encoding and decoding
- Managing communication delays due to vast distances
- Optimizing antenna design
- Exploring new communication methods like optical lasers
- Mitigating data degradation from space environment
- Developing efficient protocols for transmitting large volumes of scientific data from distant planets like Mars or beyond.
-- Space Vehicles: Satellites
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellites
- Distributed Satellite Systems
- Cubesats/Small Satellites
- Space Environment and Satellite Systems
- Space Traffic Management
- Nano Satellites
- Nanosatellite Applications
- Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites
- Satellite Internet connections
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
--Drone, UAV, UAS Technology
- UAV-to-UAV communication
- Manned-Unmanned Teaming Technologies
-- Emerging Technologies in the New Space Economy
- Space Tourism
- Reusable Launch Vehicles
- Advanced Satellite Constellations
- 3D Printing in Space
- AI for Data Analysis
- Quantum Computing
- Advanced Propulsion Systems
- In-situ Resource Utilization
2. Space Sciences and Aerospace Engineering
- Earth Observations
- Geodesy
- Space Physics
- Stellar Magnetism
- Planetology
- Astronomy
- Next-generation Radio Observatory
- Big Data and Space Sciences
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Space Systems, Environment, and Instrumentation
- Global Positioning Systems (GPS): emerging technologies and commercial applications
- Integrated Aerospace Systems Design
- Heterogeneous Autonomous Systems
- Next-Generation Wind Tunnel
- Flight Mechanics and Controls
- Powering Future Space Missions
- Experimental Research in Combustion Process for Propulsion and Energy Conversion.
- Computational Modeling of Combustion Processes
- Computational Mechanics
- Aero Fluid Mechanics
- Aero-hydrodynamics
- Aero-hydrodynamics and Aeroacoustics
- Fluid Imaging Dynamics
- Dynamics and Controls
- Aerothermodynamics
- Guidance and Control
Combustion and Gas Dynamics
- Advanced Materials and Structures
- Plasma and Material Processing
- Aerospace Propulsion Devices
- Aerospace Computing
- Aerospace Design
- Aerospace Robotics
- Space and Systems Development
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Research
- Astrodynamics/Orbital Mechanics
- Space Asset Utilization
- Mission Planning and Scheduling
- Structures and Composites
- Microgravity Science and Technology
- Solar Electric Propulsion Technologies
Micropropulsion Systems
- Flying cars
- Hybrid vehicle
- Future Aerospace Networks: satellite, wireless and optical networks
- Future of Aviation: needs, challenges, and opportunities.
- Airport Planning, Operation, and Management: design, engineering, safety, environmental issues, finance, and field lighting.
- International Air Transportation: global communication and positioning; international air traffic management; scheduling, dispatch and maintenance support; vehicle management; passenger information and communication; and real-time vehicle diagnostics.
- Airline Operations: airline management, airport security, air transportation economics, fleet scheduling, traffic flow management and airport facilities development.
- Air traffic flow and capacity management
- Next generation air transportation system: modeling, control, and analysis
- Aerospace systems, science and technology
- Applications of aerospace systems and technology to military, civilian or commercial endeavors
Systems engineering and management science in the aerospace industry
Government policy that directs or drives aerospace programs, systems and technologies
- Other emerging topics
3. Ocean Engineering
- Laboratory Measurement and Analysis Techniques
- Tsunami Propagation and Runup
- Ocean Observing and Forecasting
- Ocean Acoustics and Data Analysis
- The Future of Data, Oceans, and International Affairs
- Marine Hydrodynamics
- Computational Hydrodynamics
- Ship Design & Technology
- Hydrography
- Bathymetry
- Marine Robotics
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Ocean Systems Management
- Analysis and Design of Deepwater and Coastal Structures
Offshore Structures
- Remote sensing of ocean surface
- Beach Nourishment and Protection
- Coastal engineering processes
- Sediment dynamics
- Nearshore hydrodynamics
- Remote sensing of coastal areas
- Turbulent sediment suspension and transport
- Tsunami propagation and inundation
- Wave-structure interaction
- Exploring the ocean environment
- Ocean acoustics and sonar systems
- Hydrodynamics and free-surface waves
- Naval architecture and ship design
- Offshore platforms for oil and gas production
- Autonomous ships and vehicles
- Unmaned Maine Vehicles, Uncrewed Marine Vehicles, Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV), Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV), Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV)
- Other emerging topics
4. Earth Science:
- Atmospheric Science and Climate
- Paleontology, Sedimentary Basins and Surface Processes
- Biogeochemistry and Climate Interactions
- Earth system digital twins
- Earth System Science
- Space and Planetary Sciences
- Natural Hazards
- Ocean Sciences
- Energy, Mineral and Water Resources
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- Glacial Geomorphology
- Reservoir Characterization, Uncertainty Modeling and Geostatistics
- Reservoir Simulation
- Geothermal Engineering
- Carbon Capture during Coal Combustion
- Clean Energy Conversions
- Geological Sequestration of Greenhouse Gases
- Renewable (large-scale) Solar and Marine Energy Systems
- Modeling of Integrated Energy Systems
- Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Saline Aquifers
- Volcanology
- Earthquakes and Volcanoes
- The Earthquake Early Warning System
- Tectonis of Subduction Zones: deep and intermediate depth earthquakes
- Earthquake Source Studies of Large Earthquakes
- The Formation of Earthquakes and Seismic Waves
- Borehole Geophysics and Rock Mechanics
- Earthquake Geology & Paleoseismology
- Earthquake Engineering
- Regional & Whole-Earth Structure
- Strong-motion Seismology, Site Response & Ground Motion
- Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response
- Seismology
- Marine Seismology
- Seismic Array Design and Network Operations of Real Time Systems
- Earthquake Swarm
- Earthquakes and Tectonics
- Geodynamics
- Environmental Geology
- Ocean and Ecosystem Response
- Ocean circulation and coastal zone change
- Climate System Dynamics
- Sustainable Food and Water
- Other emerging topics
5. Atmospheric Science:
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols
- Climate Variability and Change
- Cloud Physics and Radiative Processes
- Extratropical Cyclones and Winter Storms
- Precipitation and Hydrometeorological Processes
- Satellite and Radar Remote Sensing
- Thunderstorm Dynamics and Hazards
- Tropical Meteorology and Hurricanes
- Weather and Climate Risk
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Atmospheric Gases and Particles
- Atmospheric Aerosols
- Cloud and Climate Science
- Cloud and Aerosol
- Cloud and Aerosol Interactions and Cloud Microphysics
- Aerosol Direct/Indiret Effect on Climate
- Clouds and Radiation
- Tropical Meteorology
- Mesoscale Meteorology
- Middle atmosphere Meteorology
- Synoptic Meteorology
- Hydrometeorology
- Applications of Remote Sensing on Global and Terrestrial Hydrology
- Anthropogenic Effects on the Water Cycle
- Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE)
- Weather and Forecasting
- General Circulation of the Atmosphere
- Air, Sea, Cloud Interaction
- Ocean Modeling
- Biogeochemistry and Marine Ecosystems
- Regional to Global Ecosystem-Climate Dynamics
- Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Micrometeorology
- Global atmosphere-biosphere modelling
- Physical Oceanography
- Climate Change
- Climate Informatics
- Atmosphere and Climate
- Land-atmosphere Interactions
- Climate Engineering (Climate Geoengineering)
- Solar Geoengineering
- Solar Radiation Management
- Ensemble Forecasting
- Data Assimilation
- Climate Model Development
- Detecting Climate Signals with Machine Learning
- Numerical Weather Prediction
- Atmospheric Dynamics and Predictability
- Climate Dynamics
- Tornado Dynamics
- Weather Radar/Weather Surveillance Radar(WSR)/Doppler Weather Radar
- High-Resolution Climate Modeling
- Earth System Modeling
- Water and Climate
- Oceans and Climate
- Severe Weather Research
- Storm Structure, Dynamics, and Mesoscale Meteorology
- The cryosphere
- Glaciological research
- Arctic meteorology and climate
- Satellite images
- Satellite and Radar Remote Sensing
- Large scale physical oceanographic and meteorological monitoring
- Satellite meteorology
- Radar meteorology
- Boundary layer processes
- Air pollution and its relationship with climate
- Seasonality of micrometeorological conditions
- Parameterization of processes describing biosphere–atmosphere interaction
- Micrometeorological and biological observations
- Impact of biometeorological conditions on plant disease and harmful organism development
- Impact of plants/vegetation on urban microclimate
- Extreme temperature variation in presence of vegetation
- Micrometeorological measurements in rural and urban areas
- Agricultural and forest meteorology
- Applied numerical meteorological models
- Other emerging topics