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Tokenization and Applications

Cornell University_070121A
[Cornell University - Myron Taylor Hall]

- Overview

Tokenization is a process that replaces sensitive data with non-sensitive substitutes called tokens. Tokens are unique identifiers that are randomized strings of data that have no value or meaning. They retain all the important information about the original data without compromising its security. The original data is then kept safe in a centralized server or "token vault" that is usually outside of an organization's IT environment.

Tokenization has several uses, including:

  • Data security: Tokenization can protect sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, and increase consumer trust on eCommerce websites. It's different from encryption, which changes the length and type of data being protected, while tokenization doesn't.
  • Financial services: Tokenization can help financial services providers operate 24/7, settle transactions faster, and increase automation.
  • Artificial intelligence: In AI, tokenization is the process of converting input text into smaller units, such as words or subwords, which is important for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. There are different types of tokenization for text, including word, character, and subword tokenization.


- Tokenization and Data Security

Tokenization is a data security method that replaces sensitive data with non-sensitive tokens, which are randomized strings of characters. Tokens are unique identifiers that retain relevant information about the original data without compromising its security. They can be used in a database or internal system without bringing the original data into scope. The original data is then stored securely outside of the organization's internal systems, such as in a token vault. 

Tokenization can help protect many types of sensitive data, including:

  • Payment card data
  • Social Security numbers
  • Telephone numbers
  • Passport numbers
  • Driver's license numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Bank account numbers
  • Names, addresses, and birth dates 


Tokenization can provide several benefits for securing sensitive data, including:

  • Data protection: Tokenization can minimize the impact of a data breach by making data unreadable to hackers. Even if attackers gain access to tokenized data, they can't read it without accessing the token vault where the real data is stored.
  • Enhanced customer assurance: Tokenization can increase consumer trust and offer an additional layer of security for eCommerce websites.
  • Compliance: Tokenized data may remove systems from assessment scope for industry regulatory standards such as PCI DSS 3.2.1.
  • Least-privileged access: Tokenization can help ensure that only people with the appropriate access can perform the de-tokenization process to access sensitive data. 


However, tokenization is still a relatively new technology, and many governments have yet to establish clear regulations around it, which could leave businesses and investors open to legal risks. 

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- Tokenization and Token Economy

Token economy is a combination of the words token and economy. This refers to the token economy. Tokens are cryptographic units of value issued by a private blockchain network. Simply put, tokens are cryptocurrencies. An example is Bitcoin or Ethereum. 

Tokenomics, defined according to these two principles, is the way people deal with digital assets or tokens in a blockchain system. However, this concept transcends all of that.

The token economy brings what banks use as monetary policy to the blockchain network. Its main goal is to build a token-based economic ecosystem. All interactions that occur with these tokens sustain this ecosystem. 

Currency is used for everything, international transactions, paying taxes, purchasing needs, etc. Until recently, governments controlled these assets, but banking institutions eventually took them over.

The cryptocurrency industry emerged to provide this power to people. It carries digital assets, the most essential of which is tokens. It affects global economic and monetary policy. Individuals can now create their own microeconomies.

Tokenomics is the study of the economic aspects of a cryptocurrency or blockchain project, particularly the design and distribution of its digital tokens. The term is a combination of the words "token" and "economics".

Tokenomics can help investors make better decisions and avoid projects with poor design or pump and dump schemes. It can also help investors understand what gives value to a cryptocurrency and whether its value is likely to increase or decrease in the future. 

Some factors that are considered in tokenomics include:

  • Supply: The maximum token supply, how new tokens are added or removed from circulation, and supply-side economics
  • Demand: Marketing, technical, and strategic efforts to increase demand
  • Utility: The token's specific purpose or use
  • Security: Regular audits to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities
  • Incentives: How tokens incentivize network growth and ecosystem participation


Please refer to the following for more information:


- Tokenization and AI

Tokenization breaks text into smaller parts for easier machine analysis, helping machines understand human language.

Tokenization, in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, refers to the process of converting a sequence of text into smaller parts, known as tokens. These tokens can be as small as characters or as long as words. The primary reason this process matters is that it helps machines understand human language by breaking it down into bite-sized pieces, which are easier to analyze.

Imagine you're trying to teach a child to read. Instead of diving straight into complex paragraphs, you'd start by introducing them to individual letters, then syllables, and finally, whole words. In a similar vein, tokenization breaks down vast stretches of text into more digestible and understandable units for machines.

The primary goal of tokenization is to represent text in a manner that's meaningful for machines without losing its context. By converting text into tokens, algorithms can more easily identify patterns. This pattern recognition is crucial because it makes it possible for machines to understand and respond to human input. For instance, when a machine encounters the word "running", it doesn't see it as a singular entity but rather as a combination of tokens that it can analyze and derive meaning from.


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