New Energy and Green Technology Ventures
- [A 25-MVA/10-MWh Battery Energy Storage Sytems, Beacon Solar Plant Site, LADWP]
You Can't Go Back and Change The Beginning,
But You Can Start Where You Are and Change The Ending.
- Green Technology Ventures
Green tech–or green technology–is an umbrella term that describes the use of technology and science to reduce human impacts on the natural environment. Green technology encompasses a wide area of scientific research, including energy, atmospheric science, agriculture, material science, and hydrology.
Green technology investments reached $755 billion in 2021, with electric vehicles and energy solutions being the largest sectors. In 2023, global new investment in renewable energy reached $358 billion in the first six months, a 22% rise from the start of 2022.
Renewable energy startups are companies that develop new technologies and services to help reduce carbon emissions. The green technology sector includes carbon removal, agriculture, food waste, renewable, and decarbonization of the built environment.
- Brief History of Green Technology
Green technology is like the new kid on the block. But the world of sustainable innovation has a long history that you may not know about.
Take geothermal heating, a popular trend in energy-efficient homes and buildings, for example. The use of thermal energy below the surface dates back to the Paleolithic era, when early humans bathed in hot springs and built homes out of lava. Or take wind energy – our ancestors used it to propel ships down the Nile as early as 5000 BC.
By 2000 BC, wind power was already being used to pump water and grind grain. And solar? In the 7th century BC, humans began to use solar energy. Light the flame with a magnifying glass. Although battery-powered cars seem like a new trend, at the turn of the 19th century, 90 percent of New York City's taxis were electric.
As a result, humanity has long sought to find sustainable solutions to everyday needs. But today, innovative solutions to our environmental problems are more desirable - and necessary - than ever.
- Purpose
Research breakthroughs made in laboratories have enormous potential to improve the lives of millions of people around the world; but the challenge remains to bring scientific innovations to market in the form of related products, services, therapies, diagnostics and treatments.
Green technology, also known as cleantech or environmental technology, is the use of science and technology to reduce negative environmental impacts. Green technologies include:
- Renewable energy: Solar power, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass, and biofuels
- Waste management and recycling: Sustainable packaging, e-waste recycling, and green chemicals
- Energy efficiency solutions: Carbon capture and storage technology, which pulls carbon from the atmosphere and uses it to make synthetic fuel
- Sustainable transportation: Electric vehicles, sustainable phones, and plant-based packaging
- Sustainable agriculture: Vertical farming, hydroponics, and sustainable agriculture
- Green building: Green construction or sustainable building, which includes a structure's design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition
Other green technologies include: solar desalination, green architecture, nuclear energy, fuel cells.
Green technologies are designed to protect ecosystems and endangered species, reduce carbon emissions, and conserve natural resources.
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