Personal tools

LLM Use Cases and Applications

(Lausanne, Switzerland - Alvin Wei-Cheng Wong)

- Overview

LLMs use neural networks designed to mimic the way the human brain learns. These models undergo an extensive training process, ingesting large datasets of text to learn the nuances of language. Through this process, one of the common tasks that LLMs are trained to perform is predicting the next word in a sentence. Having acquired this skill, LLMs can understand natural language well, understand context from natural language and generate coherent responses to prompts.

LLMs change the way we process information, communication and creativity. Their evolution from basic models to complex systems such as GPT-4 illustrates their growing capabilities beyond mere text processing to cover a wide range of applications:

  • Versatility of applications: In addition to being good at simple tasks, LLMs can also complete a variety of tasks on natural language, such as text generation and summarization, with eventual applications in the medical or legal fields.
  • Increased human productivity: LLMs free up valuable time for creative and strategic thinking by streamlining tasks such as content creation, coding, data analysis, and research, as well as more tedious, repetitive, day-to-day tasks.
  • Accessibility: LLMs serve as a bridge between the vast amounts of available data and actionable insights (making information more accessible and manageable).
  • Interaction at scale: LLMs are ideal for creating interactive tools and has led to the creation of advanced chatbots, virtual assistants, and educational tools. These applications leverage the model's language understanding to provide users with personalized and engaging experiences. 


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