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Machine Vision Research and Applications

The University of Chicago_052921C
[The University of Chicago]


- Overview

Machine vision is the vision capability of a computer; it employs one or more cameras, analog-to-digital conversion (ADC), and digital signal processing (DSP). The generated data goes to a computer or robot controller. Machine vision is similar in complexity to speech recognition.

Machine vision is sometimes confused with the term computer vision. The technology is often combined with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning to accelerate image processing.


- Machine Vision vs Computer Vision

The idea that machines can see and act for us is not a new concept. It's been the stuff of science fiction for decades, and it's now a reality.

Machine vision came first. This engineering-based system uses existing technology to mechanically "see" the steps of the production line. For example, it can help manufacturers detect defects in products before they are packaged, or help food distribution companies ensure their food products are properly labeled. 

With the development of computer vision, machine vision is also leaping into the future. If we think of machine vision as the main body of a system, then computer vision is the retina, optic nerve, brain and central nervous system. Machine vision systems use cameras to view images, and computer vision algorithms process and interpret the images, then instruct other components in the system to act on that data. 

Computer vision can be used alone without being part of a larger machine system. However, a machine vision system cannot work without a computer and a core of specific software. This goes well beyond image processing. In computer vision (CV) terminology, an image doesn't even have to be a photo or video. It could be "images" from thermal or infrared sensors, motion detectors, or other sources. 


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