Sensor Systems
- [Dartmouth College]
- Overview
A sensor system is a device that detects changes in the environment and converts that information into a signal that can be used for output. Sensor systems are made up of multiple sensors that are combined into a single unit, and they often have a single interface for access.
Sensors can measure many different properties, such as temperature, pressure, light, sound, and motion. They are used in many different applications, including manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and consumer electronics. Sensor systems can help with automation and process control, and they can also collect data that can be used for analysis and decision-making.
A sensor system typically includes the following components:
- Sensors: Detect changes in the environment and respond with an output to another system
- Signal conditioning: Part of the system
- Analog-to-digital converter (ADC): Part of the system
- Computer with DAQ software: Used for signal logging and analysis
A good sensor system should be sensitive to the property it's measuring, but not to other properties that might be present in its application. It should also not influence the property it's measuring.
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