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Ethernet Transport Services

Yerba Buena Island_SF_CA_USA_20150101A



- Services Provided by Carrier Ethernet

In order to create a market, carrier Ethernet has classified some standardized services, which are as follows:


  • Ethernet Virtual Private Line or E-Line (EVPL) - This provides point to point connection between two carrier Ethernet customers. It provides high transparency, low latency, and reduced frame loss ratio.
  • Ethernet Virtual Private LAN or E-LAN (EVP LAN) - This provides a multipoint connection among a set of customer endpoints, thus forming a bridged Ethernet network among various customers. Service multiplexing enables any – to – any communications between the customers. It lowers frame delay and frame loss ratio.
  • Ethernet Virtual Private Tree or E-Tree - This is an Ethernet VLAN configuration that provides multipoint connection among a set of customer endpoints or node, which are arranged in the form of a tree. This allows any – to – any communications with the restriction that nodes in the leaves cannot communication directly with one another.



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