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EITA-YIC Workshops

(Harvard University - Joyce Yang)


- Overview

EITA-YIC organizes workshops in the form of forums, summits and conferences:

  • Forum: open discussion, less formal, focused on dialogue.
  • Summit: high-level meeting, more formal, focused on decision-making.
  • Conference: large gathering with a structured agenda, focused on knowledge sharing and exchange.


- The EITA Outreach (Readers) Forum

You are welcome to join the EITA Outreach (Readers) Forum at any time. Please click here to join the forum.

The EITA Outreach (Reader) forum is a perfect virtual event platform (24/7 availability) for researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.


- Upcoming and Recent Conferences/Workshops

Click on a meeting name link (where available) in the left column to view more details, including the programs. 

To view more past & future meetings, please use the Conference & Workshops folder above.



[More to come ...]



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