Welcome to EITA-Bio 2015
- (Barry Lam Hall, College of EECS, National Taiwan University)
The 3rd ** EITA-Bio ** Conference
(the EITA-Bio 2015) or (the EITA-EITC 2015)
"Recent Advances in Biomedical Research"
Barry Lam Hall, College of EECS
National Taiwan University (NTU)
Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Saturday-Sunday, October 24-25, 2015
EITA-Bio 2015--the 3rd Bio conference (or EITA-EITC 2015, the 15th Emerging Information and Technology Conference) will be held on Saturday-Sunday, October 24-25, 2015 at Barry Lam Hall, College of EECS, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan)(臺灣大學校總區電機資訊學院博理館). The conference theme of the EITA-Bio 2015 is "Recent Advances in Biomedical Research". Please visit the EITA-Bio 2015 website for more conference details.
The main purpose of the EITA-Bio 2015 conference is to connect the dots to form a big picture for vision and talents. This conference, bringing together a global network of today's best thinkers, visionaries and thought leaders, serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications on all topics related to Biomedical Science, Biomedical Engineering and Systems, Life Sciences, Biomaterials, Bio-SoC, Bio-Nanotech, Bio-NEMS/Bio-MEMS, Machine Learning and Big Data, Biostatistics, In Silico Research and Biomedical Informatics, Wireless, Multimedia and Virtual Reality Health, Biomedical Devices and Sensing Systems, Cyber Security, and the Internet of Things (IoT) for Health, etc..
We are pleased to invite you to attend EITA-Bio 2015 and submit proposals (invited talks only) for papers, panels, demonstrations, and SIG discussions. The Conference Review Policy requires that each proposal will be peer-reviewed by for inclusion in the conference program, and CD-ROM proceedings.
The EITA-Bio 2015 conference consists of five parallel workshops:
- Workshop 1 (W1): Machine Learning and Big Data, Biostatistics, In Silico Research and Biomedical Informatics
- Workshop 2 (W2): Medicine and Life Sciences, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- Workshop 3 (W3): Biomaterials, Bio-SoC, Bio-Nanotech, Bio-NEMS/Bio-MEMS, and Biomedical Engineering and Systems
- Workshop 4 (W4): Wireless, Multimedia and Virtual Reality Health, Biomedical Devices and Sensing Systems, Cyber Security, and the Internet of Things (IoT) for Health
- Student Poster Competition
Possible Workshop Topics
The EITA-Bio 2015 conference is structured around a number of sub-themes that include -but are not limited to, the following topics:
as they relate to the research and development aspects of Biomedical Science and Engineering. The long lists are not meant to be all-inclusive. Rather, they should be used to stimulate and encourage other ideas and possibilities.
Presentation Categories
The Technical Program includes a wide range of interesting and useful activities designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
- Keynote Speakers
- Invited Panels/Speakers
- Papers
- Panels
- Posters
- Demonstrations
Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings (CD-ROM formats) as well as on the EITA-Bio 2015 website. You may download the Proceedings through the Internet. These proceedings serve as major sources in the global high-tech community, reflecting the current state of the art in the disciplines.