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Network Application API



When we write network-aware applications, they need to use the network to communicate with each other. These applications are no different than any other processes on the computer. Any process can access the network and it is up to the operating system to coordinate this access. When writing applications, the programmer will use a set of interfaces referred to as a Network API (Application Programming Interface) to interact with the network and not worry about the lower layers of the network. For example, a programmer does not need to know about ethernet or IP to communicate with another program but needs to have available the abstraction of being able to send data from one logical port on an application to one on another application. 

The communication session is the conducted by the application layer protocol. This is a definition of the valid sequence of requests, responses, and their respective message formats for a particular network service. The protocol needs to be well-defined for applications to be able to communicate with each other. 

Given a well-defined protocol, any application should be able to follow the rules of the protocol and create messages that the other side can understand, regardless of the implementation language or operating system. For instance, an iPad running an Swift should be able to talk to a mail server written in Java running on a Windows platform.  

The Network API will have core services, such as those related to sending and receiving data, that are provided by the operating system. These are augmented with libraries to handle other functions, such as looking up names, converting data, and simplifying certain operating-system interfaces.  

As programmers writing network-aware applications, we obviously need functions for sending and receiving data but we may want to be able to specify something about the behavior of that data over the network. For example: 

  • Do we need reliable data transfer? - Is it important to the application that data arrives reliably and in order at the destination? It seems like the answer should always be yes, but we have to realize that ensuring reliability entails the detection, request for, and retransmission of lost packets. This adds a considerable delay to the delivery of that lost packet. For streaming media applications, such as telephony, that packet may arrive too late. In this case, it is useless to the application and the application could just as easily unsed best-effort service. Moreover, some applications may choose to handle retransmission requests themselves in a different manner. Applications that can handle unreliable media streams are called loss-tolerant applications.
  • Throughput - An application may have specific bandwidth requirements. For example, video and voice telephony applications may have minimum bandwidth needs. Applications with such needs are bandwidth sensitive applications. Applications that can adapt to whatever bandwidth is available (for example, switch to a lower bandwidth codec) are known as elastic applications.
  • Delay and Jitter - Interactive applications, such as voice and video telephony may want to ensure minimal network delay to reduce the delay to the receiver. Jitter is the variation in delay and these applications would also like to see low jitter.
  • Security - Applications may need to ensure that they are truly communicating with the proper computer and a legitimate application on that computer. They may be concerned about the integrity of the data that is being transmitted and want to ensure that it cannot be modified or read by outside parties.

These are all legitimate desires. Unfortunately, IP gives us no control over throughput, delay, jitter, and security. We can handle security at the application layer and we will later examine mechanisms that were added to IP to support some degree of control over packet delivery.



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